Sunday, October 29, 2006

surprise visit

000_0016, originally uploaded by captjackcracker.

with a long summer of work,yard maintenance and crewing on another boat for weekend races. this captains boat had been neglected. and it was time that me and the misses raced our own boat. and as you might guess there was much to do. so we rolled up our sleeves broke out the elbow grease and gave it our best. the bottom was scraped,sails were installed, supplies packed, wood sanded and varnished and the motor tuned up. one last thing to do before we set sail and that's pump out the holding tank. and along with that come a surprise visit from poop deck pappy { the smell from with in the holding tank} and sailor talk from the misses [ strong language} directed at the capt. as it was my intention to allow poop deck pappy on board!!! but as we sailed away all was quickly forgot as the view from our boat was worth the surprise visit. take a look for your self.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

art work

100_0761, originally uploaded by captjackcracker.

last time we went sailing. the wind was just right and it gave us a chance to adjust and tweek the sails to get the most out of them. only to redo it for the next tack. it reminded me of something i read. " a sailor is an artist whose medium is the wind" here are some artist injoying there art work.